Teaching with Technology

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Teaching with Technology

What Lexical Information Do L2 Learners Select in a Call Dictionary and How Does It Affect Word Retention? Language Learning & Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 58-76

March 22nd, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Picking up new words was always a primary concern while I was attending ESL classes, and I, as an ESL teacher, am very interested in how to teach vocabulary in a way that the targeted words are stick to students’ mind.  It is widely believed that reading is a great way to increase one’s vocabulary.  I do believe that reading has a profound impact on L1 vocabulary growth, but I doubt whether people can pick up new words through L2 reading as they do through L1 reading.  Let me explain why I am so skeptical. A couple of days ago I read a novel entitled October Sky, which was a textbook in my ESL reading class seven years ago. While reading the book, I found that some words (such as hunker down, insidious, and mortify) and their definitions were written down in the margin.  I had written these definitions during an earlier reading of the book.   I am disappointed that I still don’t know the definitions of these words, which I probably had made significant efforts to memorize.  In “What Lexical Information Do L2 Learners Select in a Call Dictionary and How Does It Affect Word Retention?” the authors Batia Laufer and Monica Hill suggest that technology can help ESL students to learn vocabularies incidentally as a by-product of reading.

One of the research questions addressed by this study, and my focus in this journal, is the percentage of words that are remembered by students after they look them up in an electronic dictionary during a reading task.  A research tool used in this study was a computer program called Words in Your Year which consists of four parts: (1) a pre-test of the words for investigation, (2) a text in which these words are highlighted, (3) a dictionary entry for each word with five items of information (a recording of a speaker pronouncing the word, a definition of the word (in English), a translation of the word into the student’s L1, a brief discussion of the word root, and “extra” information), and (4) files that record each student’s use of the dictionary.  During the reading task, the student had the option of hearing the recording of the text that they were reading.  The text was a short extract of 120 words from an academic text of fairly general interest.  The study focused on the 12 target words in the text that were most frequently marked by 30 other ESL students as being unfamiliar.

Initially, 97 subjects participated in the study.  However, through a pre-test, 25 students who were familiar with more than one of the target words were eliminated from the sample.  Thus, 72 was the final number of subjects in the study.  Those students who knew only one of the 12 words were later not credited with learning that word.  The subjects included 32 college students from the University of Haifa in Israel and 40 first year ESL students from the University of Hong Kong.  On completion of the reading task, the subjects were given an unexpected vocabulary test in which they were asked to write the meanings of the 12 words in L1 or L2 on paper.  The results of the test showed that the Hebrew students recalled an average of 4 out of 12 target words while the Chinese students recalled an average of 7.  The maximum number of words recalled by one Hebrew student was 10, while the maximum number of words recalled by a Chinese student was 12.

Although the learning outcomes of the two groups were significantly different, the use of a CALL methodology seems to have a positive effect on incidental vocabulary learning.  The study concluded that the novelty of the methodology comes from several options that allow L2 learners to select the lookup strategy that may be most compatible with their learning style, and I agree with it.


Podcasting: An Effective Tool for Honing Language Students’ Pronunciation?

March 22nd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Valerie

Article #4

The use of podcasting to improve pronunciation in second language learners is an option being used by language educators to practice speaking skills outside of the classroom.  Language learners struggle with pronunciation errors and are often judged by native speakers because of their non-native like way of speaking.   Language teachers are often reluctant to teach pronunciation for a number of reason, which include “not enjoying it or not knowing how to teach it” (Ducate 66).  Some language teacher even believe that teaching pronunciation is not a useful skill and generally forego teaching it and focus on other language skills.  According to Lara Ducate, podcasting is an alternative to teaching pronunciation in the class .  This article discusses the investigation of podcasting and how it offers opportunities for “contextualizing tasks, while at the same time honing pronunciation” (Ducate 68).  I believe this article explains podcastings usefulness in the language learner’s curriculum.

 The simplicity in creating podcasts has increased the use of this tool in the educational environment.   Podcasting can be used to”empower students by giving them opportunities to create and publish for a real audience” (Ducate 68).  Because today’s youth are key player in the participatory culture, introducing interactive activities using podcasting should be accepted by them without any question.  Some second language acquisition researchers believe that having students listen to themselves can be beneficial as “they focus on pronunciation, grammar use or intonation” (Ducate 69).   Language teachers are interested in using podcasting because it allows them to “contextualize pronunciation and create meaningful tasks” (Ducate 69) for their students. 

 Podcasting in second language learning remains an emerging technology and because of the “lack of empirical research” it has remained in the infancy stage.  Clearly, empirical research is needed to investigate the actual effects of pedagogical techniques on learners so sound decisions can be made.  Nonetheless, the attitude from teachers and students regarding the use of podcasting for improvement in pronunciation skills has been viewed positively.   During the study students were encouraged to be more creative while using podcasting.  It was thought that more students would like podcasting, but many of the participant in the study preferred “scripted podcasts over the extemporaneous podcasts” (Ducate 74).  The study showed that most students liked tasked based pronunciation activities and believed it duplicated real life situations;  however, it did not show any evidence that students improved because of the use of podcasting. 

 Based on the findings of this study, I believe that integrating podcasting and traditional pedagogical methods of teaching students will advance them in pronunciation.  The study even shows that with “consistent pronunciation in class and receiving feedback on podcasts” (Ducate 77) that student’s pronunciation would improve.  Researchers believe that future studies should be made, but that in the next study there should be more students and a greater  involvement in the study by language teachers.  Also, because the students in the study were not all at the same level they believed this affected the outcome.   

Ducate, Lara and Lara Lomicka. “Podcasting: An Effective Tool for Honing Language Students’ Pronunciation?” Language Learning & Technology. October 2009, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp 66-86.  http://llt.msu.edu/vol13num3/ducatelomicka.pdf.


Emerging Technologies

March 22nd, 2010 · No Comments · Valerie

Article #3

The Internet has introduced a world of collaborative opportunities to language educators.   Language teachers utilize many familiar tools such email, discussion forums, chat, blogs, and wikis to promote online collaborative opportunities for language learners.  XML (extensible markup language) helps language teacher’s link documents to the students in their classes and is recognized as the second-generation Web. 

 The second language learner needs practice in communicative skills and many language teachers agree that the extra writing done on discussion forums is beneficial to their language students.  From the beginning, E-mail has been a useful instrument for “classroom exchanges” (Godwin-Jones 12).   However, many language teachers use discussion forums as the primary tool to promote conversation between them and their students.   The language learner needs a place to communicate and discussion forums “encourages universal participation” (Godwin-Jones 12).   To encourage communication discussion forums are used as vehicles for peer networking.  Language learners need the comfort of group learning environments to be completely successful in their target language.   Discussion forums also promote discussions amongst language learners outside of the classrooms.  However, language teachers need to educate their students about the rules that govern such forums and the “cultural dynamics at work” (Godwin-Jones 12).  

 The asynchronous tools of the first-generation web users prepared language learners for entering into text-based chat rooms.  In order for the language learner to navigate successful with these communication tools the language teacher needs to acquaint the student with chat room etiquette.  The speed of ‘real time’ communication is viewed as a useful tool for classroom exchanges.   Instant messaging also revolutionized communication for language learners.  However, it was the second-generation Web that pushed collaborative environments into the 21st century.  Blogs opened the doors to a new method of online collaboration.  Language teachers strive to help the language learner become independent and confident.  In second language blogging can help “encourage ownership and responsibility on the part of the students” (Godwin-Jones 13) because it provides a forum that is authentic.  According to Robert Godwin-Jones,   this type of ownership and responsibility does not exist when using discussions forums. 

  Another point is that blogging does not require any prior knowledge of the Web.  The set of a blog is simple once the web site has been created.  Unlike other forum types, blogs offer “a great deal of flexibility and the potential for creativity in the construction of the site” (Godwin-Jones 14).    Blogs can also be effective when doing project-based assignments.    However, blogs do tend to be more personal and a more collaborative environment suitable for on line projects would be wikis. 

 Wikis like blogs do not require any prior knowledge and “use a simple set of formatting commands” (Godwin-Jones 15).    Changes on wiki sites are “logged along with identification of the author” (Godwin-Jones 15).   As a collaborative tool wiki-type sites are ideal for second language learners.    Second language learners always need to practice their newly acquired skills.  Wiki sites give the language learner a place to discuss common issues with other language learners and to share problem often not express in a classroom environment. 

 “Emerging Technologies: Blogs and Wikis: Environments for On-line Collaboration”, Language Learning & Technology. May 2003, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.12-16.  http://msu.llt. edu/vol7/num2/emerging


The Effects of Live Accompaniment, Intelligent Digital Accompaniment, and No Accompaniment on Musicians’ Performance Quality

March 22nd, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Solo performance can be a key factor in developing skills of musical expression, sensitivity, and style. It can bolster musical confidence by supplementing the ensemble experience. Instrumental solos are often performed with the assistance of musical accompaniment. The frequency of rehearsals between soloist and accompanist can critically affect the level of performance. Interaction between accompanist and soloist is necessary in the performance experience, but limited accompaniment availability sometimes inhibits this interactivity. The article examines the differences in performance quality ratings between instrumentalists who prepared solo music selections in three different conditions (with live accompaniment, with intelligent digital accompaniment and with no accompaniment). Participants were undergraduate instrumental music education majors who volunteered for the study. They were assigned a secondary wind instrument that they previously studied for a semester in group lesson. Each student received a solo piece with moderate difficulty and each piece gave students opportunities to display technical and expressive performance capabilities. For this study, technologically advanced accompaniment tools such as Smart Music and MIDI were used in their 6 week investigation. In the process of using the digital system, the students were able to control the tempo, select a certain section to practice separately, customize their accompaniment playback to maximize expressiveness, and even allowed the insertion of brief pauses for breathing or phrasing.

The Result

There was no significant difference in their performance as a final result. The only one big change was in rhythm. The group that practiced with digital accompaniment may have showed the low rating in interpretation, but is fair to assume that the expressive freedom cannot be musically achieved with “pre-recorded” (even with some manual changes) accompaniment. According to the study, the students’ reactions to the digital accompaniment were positive. Except for a very few negative comments, most of the students reacted very positively on the use of this digital tool. And most of the positive comments reflected the motivational aspects of using the accompaniment system for individual private practice. Nearly all students stated that it was fun to use and it made practicing more enjoyable. Other observations included the opinions that the accompaniment tool was helpful in establishing correct pitches and tempo, offered a good intonation check, and was relatively easy to learn to use. The students also said that it helped teach continuity in performance, helped players learn what the music should sound like as a whole, and offered the advantage of being able to play with accompaniment all the time. Results from this study showed that the use of accompaniment changes the practice task, and the study also suggests that performers need to focus on both forms of performance in their practice. The intelligent digital accompaniment system gave students a variety of opportunities to manipulate several parameters of performance. It may not be for everyone. Music teachers must determine methods that provide the best practice environment for the student soloist. It can motivate students to practice in a more musically engaging environment, yet still needs a careful pedagogical approach to use it.

Source: Deborah Sheldon, Sam Reese and John Grashel
Journal of Research in Music Education, 1999; 47;251


5-Minute Tools

March 17th, 2010 · No Comments · seminar

Seminar Session, 17th March:

5-minute tools


Student Use and Perception of Web-Based Instructional Tools

March 17th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

by: Judy Strauss (Southern Illinios) & Donna Hill (Indiana University)

Marketing Education Review 2007

Blog: Lynn Barnsback

 “Nearly one half of marketing students do not embrace Web-based instructional (WBI) tools.” This article was published in 2007, so hopefully this is no longer as big a gap, however, these students, the 50% not embracing technology have probably just graduated so it is interesting to see what the state of Teaching with Technology was just 3 short years ago.

 The authors indicated many times that “many college students do not use the Internet for their education” and often don’t recognize the value in Web tools. They refer to them as “Laggards” and set forth to do a category based classification of WBI tools and their use by students. Often, a student will identify a tool as beneficial but use them rarely. This gap was  a concern. They define WBI as teaching supported by the attributes and resources of the internet to browser equipped learners

Strauss & Hill discuss the differences in WBI work of students due to learning styles. Visual Style learners seem to prefer technology-based learning. Above average learners might also benefit from the self-paced nature of internet assignments. Asian students were more comfortable speaking in a Web format & that “non-traditional students had more positive attitudes toward computers.” Unless motivated, independent learners, students prefer traditional instructional modes. Their conclusion to all their research on prior studies is that “there are some competing positions regarding student satisfaction with WBI tools, and further research is needed.”

 The authors chose to question students in Principles of Marketing at two mid-sized Midwestern schools; one private, one public. The sample size was 444. Obviously, the it was primarily “traditional students” surveyed. Students completed a questionnaire with 16 internet tools listed. They were asked about use, perceived benefit and competency levels.    

 Short List:

  • Most used tools:
    • e-mail – 1. Instructor 2. students
    • Research on the Web (class work and seeking company information
  • Half never use:
    •  bulletin boards; chat rooms; online tests; videos; create own web pages; e-mail to businesses
  • Largest Gaps between Perceived Benefit and  Actual Use:
    • Practice Tests
    • Online Class Readings
    •  Actual Test
    • class e-mail newsletter
    • electronic bulletin board (online forum)
  • Lowest scoring items
    • Post e-mail to electronic bulletin board
    • Chat room for class work

The study was exhausting, moving items in and out of the calculations and attempting to find a variety of correlations. The authors note that information was only gathered at two schools and the students were fairly traditional “present high face validity.” They also did not include some “newer” tools like texting & social network sights.


  • Half of students in Principles of Marketing classes are “light” users of Web-based instructional tools
  • Light Users tend to be female
  • Students can see something as beneficial (on line test/ bulletin board) yet not use it
  • Faculty does not require usage of these technologies so students don’t use them
  • Heavy e-mail users take up most of faculty e-mail time (over a quarter e-mail weekly to daily)
  • Research tools were considered beneficial and used by both heavy and light WBI users
  • Group communication tools are used the least and felt to have the least benefit.

 The recommendations were, after much sorting of information, fairly obvious- faculty should provide and require more of the desired tools for students. Move light users to heavier usage this way and allow marketing graduates to have higher internet skill levels. This is a trend in higher education anyway so this study, however robustly done, was not ground breaking.  The results, although tainted by the limited demographic, were interesting to see and it is always good to have data to back up what we “know” or can guess about  student perceptions and behavior;  like children and vegetables, you need to make the web required  for students to use it and gain the benefit.


Economist article on net generation

March 17th, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

You might enjoy this article in last week’s The Economist:



Authenticity And Authorship In the Computer-mediated Acquisition of L2 Literacy Language Learning & Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 78-104

March 16th, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

This article analyzes two cases of computer-mediated language leaning.  In the first case, the researchers examined learning outcomes in a Spanish language course.  The American undergraduate students taking this course were given the project of constructing a multimedia CD-ROM on Latin American culture.  This was a semester-long project. The students were told that their CD-ROMs would be preserved for use by future students in this Spanish course.  While they were working on their projects, the students kept journals in Spanish “to describe or to vent their frustrations when the technology failed them.” In the beginning part of the project, the students’ journals showed that they were all thrilled by the fact that they were making a durable and public product which could be used by future undergraduates and their instructors.  The students’ journals also revealed that the students viewed the computer in a very positive light, which liberated them from “the “burden” of writing “normal,” “traditional,” or “conventional” end-of-term papers.”  In their journals, many of the students noted that the “clickability” of their computer texts and images made them added to their “credibility.”  The students did not simply copy the texts, images, and video that they found on the web.  They actively recontextualized and recreated texts, images, and video to create new and quite personalized effects.  In the process, the students learned not only how to communicate in Spanish, but also “how to create and manipulate hypertexts and various representations of Spanish speaking cultures.”

The second case discussed in this article was an analysis of the use of the World Wide Web by a Chinese ESL student.  The student was a young Hong Kong immigrant attending a California high school.  At the time of the study, the student had been in the United States for six years.  An interview conducted in Cantonese showed that the student was frustrated over the fact that his English was not fluent enough to catch up in school, and he felt discriminated against in school because of his Chinese accent.  He was also deeply pessimistic about his future life, thinking that his inability to speak English like a native would prevent him from getting a decent job.  In his senior year, this student became actively engaged in various internet activities, including the creation of a personal page on a Japanese pop singer, and met chatmates in several countries around the world.  He also wrote regularly to a few e-mail pen pals.  The analysis of his chatting and e-mails showed that his writing ability in English was improving dramatically, leading him to discover his ability to express himself in writing via the electronic media.  It needs to be mentioned that the kind of English that he acquired through his internet-mediated communication was “the “global English” of adolescent pop culture,” which differs from the standard English taught in ESL classrooms.  His Internet involvement also brought about a change in his view of himself and the world.  In an interview, he said, “I have kind of changed my determination.  I’m not as fearful, or afraid of the future, that I won’t have a future. . . But now I feel there’s nothing much to be afraid of.  It’s not like the word has power over you. . . . If I hadn’t known them (his chatmates and e-mail pen pals), perhaps I wouldn’t have changed so much.  Maybe the  Internet has changed me.”  It is interesting that the English he acquired on the Internet enabled him to develop a sense of belonging and connectedness with the World Wide Web community of which he had sought to become a part.

This article, which attempted to reframe the notions of authenticity and authorship in communicative language learning, allowed me to realize the potential of the electronic medium in L2 education.  At the same time, it gave me a challenge; how to adapt the electronic medium into my teaching in the future.  I know that the first step in meeting this formidable challenge will be to open my eyes to the opportunities that have been brought about by new technology in the teaching of second languages.


Does proctoring make a difference?

March 16th, 2010 · No Comments · Jonathan

During the several years that I have been involved in supporting distance education and working with faculty members who are using, one of the most frequent comments I have heard is about the need to have students come to campus for tests.  With almost no exceptions, every faculty member stresses their concern about student cheating on tests. Their concerns range from that of ensuring that the person taking the test is really the student enrolled in the course to being worried about whether the student is using supplementary material that would not be permitted in a monitored testing environment.

Some faculty have developed testing methods with which they are satisfied, such as the use of test question banks to ensure that no two students get the same questions in the same order. Others use a unique data set for each student so they can use the same questions to verify student understanding of the material. In some classes, essay questions assess student internalized understanding of the material such that earlier student work can be compared to the test responses. However, there are still faculty who insist that the only way they will be satisfied is to have the students take the test in a proctored environment and the Mason Distance Education Council has been exploring options including campus testing centers, the use of proprietary testing companies, and standardized proctoring requirements. All of these solutions involve a cost and are therefore not optimal.

Thus, I was intrigued to find the article, “The Impact of Online Assessment on Grades in Community College Distance Education Mathematics Courses” by Ronald Yates and Brian Beaudrie. The authors of the article analyzed 850 test grades from students enrolled in five different mathematics courses. Of those grades, 406 were for students who took their tests in a supervised environment and the remaining 444 tests were taken purely online with no supervision. An analysis of the results showed no significant difference in test grades between each grouping of students, either aggregated across all five courses or within a given course.  Interestingly, although the difference was not significant, students in some classes who took the unsupervised tests did worse than those who were supervised. The authors reached the conclusion that cheating was not likely as that would have resulted in significantly higher grades for the students taking the tests online.

Although I don’t expect the results of this study to sway the beliefs of most of our faculty, it might convince some of them to consider online testing in more situations. One circumstance that faculty might consider is when predicted weather conditions put extra stress on the students. Allowing those who can’t get to campus to take the test online and seeing the results might convince some faculty of the validity of this study.

Yates, R. W., & Beaudrie, B. (2009). The Impact of Online Assessment on Grades in Community College Distance Education Mathematics Courses. American Journal of Distance Education, 23(2), 62. doi: 10.1080/08923640902850601.


Global E-Waste

March 16th, 2010 · 1 Comment · consumption

You might find this Ars Technica discussion of e-waste, a by-product of our connectedness, rather interesting.  If we teach with information and communication technologies, should we also teach about the environmental side effects of the pervasiveness of those technologies?

Read, for example, this May 2009 BBC “From Our Own Correspondent” transcript about the impact of coltan mining in the Congo,  and have a look at the slides from media scholar  Sean Cubitt’s September 2009 talk on “”the environmental footprint of digital media and what to do about it
