Teaching with Technology

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Teaching with Technology

Synthesis Exercise & teaching assignment

February 17th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

I have been a tech-averse person my entire life.  Thus, I have very little knowledge of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and have little experience in using them.  Thus, at this point I don’t feel competent in discussing “technology-enriched learning activities and teaching practices that would maximize learning for the kinds of students entering higher education….” For this Synthesis Exercise, therefore, I would like to talk about my opinion of the pedagogical potential of technological resources in learning the vocabulary of a second language (L2).  The primary goal of L2 learners is the development of communicative competence in the target language, which is possible only when they acquire a large enough vocabulary to express themselves, and I believe that the teaching and learning of vocabulary can be greatly enhanced by using computerized corpora such as the British National Corpus, which contains over 100 million words; the Michigan corpus, which is specialized for academic spoken English, and the COBUILD bank of English, which contains over 330 million words.

Today everyone in the world is writing to everyone else, keeping in touch and doing business across every border and time zone, and English is the lingua franca of written communication in cyberspace.  Thus, the extent to which ESL students can be active participants in the various networks on the web is to a great extent determined by their communicative skills with written English.  The importance of textual literacy is mentioned in a paper by Henry Jenkins et al.  I think that ESL courses can enhance students’ textual literacy by increasing their vocabulary, teaching them how to use words appropriately, and educating them about norms and values in an English-speaking environment.

 With regard to our teaching assignment, I am thinking about computer-assisted vocabulary learning or a media literacy program for ESL students.  Right now I have only some vague ideas concerning both of these issues, and need to do some research before deciding on the subject for my teaching session.



#1. Introduction to the journal that I chose for this course

February 17th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

Based on my personal experience as a student of English as a second language (ESL), I would say that technology was not very helpful in my studying.  Some cassette tapes, CDs, and some English learning software such as Rosetta Stone were used in my English classes in high school and college.  These materials were viewed as employing cutting-edge technologies at that time, but I doubt that they provided much of an advantage in my learning English.  I am now a graduate student at GMU in a program for ESL teachers. Over the last several years, I have given a lot of thought on how to teach ESL effectively but given little or no thought to the role of technology in my own teaching.  I would guess that there are certain methods of teaching a second language that might be helped by the use of technologies.  For example, technology can be used to facilitate language teaching in a classroom that adopts the Audiolingual method, which focuses oral drilling of sentence and phrase patterns, or Suggestopedia, which relies on baroque largo music to create a relaxed state of receptiveness to second language learning.  But it has been shown that the learning outcomes produced by the Audiolingual method and Suggestopedia fall short of expectations, and these two methods are not employed in today’s language classroom.  So I conclude that technology has had only a small influence on ESL teaching and that the primary ingredients for effective teaching are talent, passion, and knowledge of the teacher.


However, the assigned readings for our course and our seminars have caused me to rethink my ideas on technology as it relates to language education.  If the information and communications technologies are inextricably intertwined with our daily life, as mentioned in class discussion, they must have influences on second language learning and teaching in some ways.  First, technology provides access to a variety of target language input, which is regarded as the driving force of second language acquisition.  A great number of resources in different languages are available on the internet, and learners can obtain access to authentic audio and/or visual materials. They can also contact native speakers of the target language through e-mail and online chat.  Second, if learners expose themselves to large amount of and great variety of language input via current technology, language learning and teaching is no longer restricted to linguistic aspects.  In my opinion, social and cultural aspects should be included as components of language education so that learners can prepare themselves for dealing with the social interactions via information and communication technologies that could be a critical source of input in the language learning process.  And third, practitioners of language teaching need to be knowledgeable about how technology can be used to enhance language education.  I chose Language Learning & Technology as my journal to explore because I found some articles that are related to what I mentioned above in this paragraph.


Language Learning & Technology is a refereed journal that focuses on issues related to language learning and language teaching, and how they are affected or enhanced by the use of technologies.  The firs issue was published in 1997.  The journal is currently published three times per year on the web.  The issues of the journal that most interest me are those that examine ESL learners’ communicative competence that allows them to engage actively in today’s participatory culture and effectiveness of technology applied to language learning.  The articles on my reading list include “The Development of E-mail Literacy: from Writing to Peers to Writing to Authority Figures,” “Collaborative E-mail Exchange for Teaching Secondary ESL,” “The Internet As a Global Discourse Environment,” “Computer Assisted Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition,” and “The Impact of Call Instruction on Classroom Computer Use.” I hope that these articles of my interests do not overlap with my peers who chose the same journal.




Blackboard or Blog: Knowledge Building Assignment Article Review (One)

February 17th, 2010 · No Comments · Bob


While my primary journal to review is the Journal of the Association for History and Computing, I have chosen to go to my secondary source for History which is Teaching History: A Journal of Methods. I read the article in the Fall 2009 issue by Julie Hoffman, entitled “Blackboard or Blog? Some thoughts about creating and assigning on-line components in college history courses.” I chose this article because of its relevance to my goal of using technology in my History classes and because the use of Blackboard and blogs is one of the current hot uses of technology in higher education.

The author is a professor who teaches undergraduate History courses at the university level.  She chose to teach two survey courses in World History and a couple of upper level History courses using the Blackboard discussion tool and blogs using a platform called Live Journal. Her article outlines the specifics of the assignments she used in these courses. While she differentiates between the Blackboard discussion tool and the Live Journal blogs, her observations appear to be relevant to any usage of a online forum available to students. The biggest distinction she points out in her conclusion is: “the greatest strength of the blog environment is that it allows one to write essays that link to online articles, images, and other media.” In other words, the students have more options to express themselves on the assignments which are done on line.”

I was interested in her overall observations on using on-line discussions and posting of assigned essays, question responses, etc,  to supplement her face to face classes.  She noted at the beginning that her experience was that even though college age students are very tech savvy at using social networking sites,  the use of an online site for academic purposes was alien to most of them, who were not interested in sharing thoughts and ideas as contributors to an academic discussion.

She reached a few conclusions, but mostly made observations.  The key conclusion was to tailor the assignment to the technology. She points out that one of her blogging assignments could just has easily been done in a face to face setting with better results. Nevertheless as noted above, she concludes that for upper level courses the greater flexibility of Live Journal type blogging platforms allows students to be creative.

Here are a few of her other observations that I found interesting:

1) She set minimum requirements for participation by requiring a certain number of postings per week and providing a rubric defining what a quality posting was. This rubric was a key point in assessing student performance.

2) The students were willing to make observations about other students comments and postings, but were unwilling to provide critical comments. She notes that even the most opinionated students in class would not take issue with their fellow students online.

3) She had more success in giving the students open ended questions to discuss as opposed to more narrow topics – for example she changed one assignment so that students were to comment on the “muddiest point” and had more responses and interaction than when she posed narrower questions for the assignment.

4) Student evaluation of the assignments varied, but a number of students felt that they were being given “busy work” to do outside of regular class hours and that they were reluctant to spend additional time on online discussion on top of face to face class time.

5) Online discussion and blogs favors the introverted student who feels uncomfortable in entering into a discussion in a face to face setting. Online allows them to refine and consider their comments before making them.

6) She noted that a faculty presence online, in addition to the guidelines for the discussion, was key to keep things on track and act as a reminder to students that online discussion was “still coursework that matters.”

7) There was not a lot of collaborative learning going on. One of the proposed advantages of online blogging is the way that the students and the teacher can learn together by collaborating and interacting. This didn’t occur much. Perhaps at the graduate level, with more motivated students, this could be more successful.

A few thoughts that I had are:

1) Using an online component is going to take a greater time commitment for both the faculty member and the student to implement than a face to face course. Reading all the posts and responding, in addition to regular classroom work, is going to add  to the required work to be done for both.

2) I struggle with grading in this process. There is a base foundation knowledge in History that is essential. It is relatively easy to grade on tests with some objective and some essay questions. Grading, at least for me, on papers and essays (and online posts if I implement online components) would seem to me to be really hard. Even with a rubric that is pretty clearly defined, a lot of reading and assessing would be necessary. Assigning a letter or number grade on discussion points might be hard to do and incredibly subjective.

3) I agree that online usage of discussion and blogs would assist the student who is reluctant to participate in classroom discussion.  However,  I suspect that just like in face to face classes there are people that tend to dominate the discussion, the same would take place in an online format. Also, and maybe this is just my background, students, if they are to be successful in the “real world,” are going to have to be able to participate in face to face discussions and negotiations, and “think on their feet.” Musing about deep thoughts and tapping away on computer keyboard or telephone keys “ain’t gonna cut it” in a meeting where you need to make a point. Face to face class discussion should be a key part of every students performance assessment for introverts, extroverts, and any other classification of students.


Teddy’s Peer Teaching Assignment 02.17.2010

February 17th, 2010 · No Comments · teaching & learning, Ted

Teddy’s Peer Teaching Assignment 02.17.2010


Main Thesis/Objective: Teach my peers how to create music using midi-based software for multi-functional technology applications in society.


Teachers will learn the following skills:


(a)    Note values

(b)   How to count rhythms

(c)    Rhythmic styles/genres

(d)   Bass Line styles/genres

(e)    Keyboard genres/styles

(f)     Software menu & essential operations

(g)    Selecting music clips/samples for creating genres and styles

(h)    Using midi/midi controllers

(i)      Creating music for gaming

(j)     Creating music for film

(k)   Creating music for ring tones

(l)      Creating mp3’s

(m)  Creating music for online content

(n)    Audio Textbooks

(o)   Braille Audio Touch Pads

(p)    USB Data Transfer

(q)   Fire Wire Date Transfer

(r)     Archiving Your Creations for Posterity


I am sure there many other venues, however, these are some of the currently popular uses of technology in the world today.




Virtual Classrooms

February 17th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

I’m grappling for a suitable metaphor to describe my reflections upon self after reading this article about Second Life and other virtual worlds from The Chronicle of Higher Education. Rip Van Winkle, climbing out from under rocks and Plato’s cave are all candidates. The article provides an interesting overview of some virtual classroom systems and approaches. I found the (mostly faculty) discussions of using virtual worlds in the comments section fascinating as well, and in the comments found a link to an upcoming conference “Virtual Worlds – Best Practices in Education 2010”. (I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I searched for the physical location of the conference, which of course will be occurring online). There was even something for my financial side: grant awards to develop virtual worlds!

Somehow I managed to fall asleep for 20 years under a rock inside a cave. Better grab coffee.


Teaching Assignment: Some Very Preliminary Ideas

February 16th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Bob

Focusing on the use of technology in History, I would like to explore use of one or more of the following.

1) use of film/music to highlight foundational knowledge.

2) use of Wikipedia to explore the basis of certain factual knowledge and how interpretations can vary.

3) use of game simulations – not really sure how this would work, but using games and simulations to teach would strike a responsive cord in my students.

4) case study projects –  I often  give students a fact pattern and ask them to analyze what they would do in that situation – for example, the student is to imagine he or she is living in England in 1650 and needs to decide if it makes sense to come to the New World – what are the considerations? I’d like to figure out how to enhance this with technology.

5) incorporating the use of original historical documents now available on the internet.

6) any of the three ideas raised by my classmates, Kim and Jenny, tailored to History! Thanks again to Kim and Jenny.


Synthesis Exercise: Even With Technological Enhancements, Teachers Still Need to Teach, Learners Still Need to Care!

February 16th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Bob

As I think about ways to use technology in my classes to enhance my teaching and my students learning,  I keep coming back to the basic premise that teachers still need to be enthusiastic, innovative and engaged in their approach to teaching and students still need to care about learning. This seems pretty obvious, but I believe that all the technology in the world won’t make a difference if you don’t have those two ingredients.

What will make a teacher better by using technology? There is a lot to be said (and a lot has been said, both in our blogs and in the technical research!) about using the medium that our learners are comfortable with (new media/technology).  However, the fact that our learners are generally excellent at social networking, texting, getting current music downloads, viewing videos on line, and playing games, however elaborate,  doesn’t mean that they care about transferring such skills to educational pursuits. The teachers still need to come up with stimulating learning activities which engage the students, and the students need to care about learning.

From a teacher’s perspective, how can they get better at teaching by using technology. Let me address that from a History teacher perspective. Basically, there are two general learning objectives for students in History. First, there is foundational knowledge – whether we want to accept it or not, students need to know some facts (Who was George Washington? What was D-Day?).  Even though technically every bit of historical fact is able to be found on the internet, there is some basic level of foundation knowledge that is needed by students. 

Second, there is the ability to think critically and evaluate data. This is probably a learning goal on every syllabus in every class in higher education. In History, this means being able to critically analyze a question, understand the related facts, and come to a conclusion assessing various points of view (Was George Washington a good leader?, Was D-Day an effective way to defeat Germany in World War Two?).

Techonology can be used in to more effectively teach both foundational knowledge and critical thinking.  Use of film clips, music, Wikipedia, blogs, on line research and discussion all have their place.  However, students must get engaged, and learning about and analyzing the past is not going to cut it to get a lot of students engaged. How could it? By the very fact they are into new media and cutting edge developments in technology, why should they care about who George Washington was and whether he was a good leader?

 I believe that the History teacher must add a third component to teaching to get the student engaged – relevance. Here is where I believe techology could have a fascinating impact. This could encompass projects like taking Washington and comparing the things he faced as a leader with Barack Obama, for example. The technology to be used would be the full range of items mentioned above.  Note that technology can enhance the learning experience, but making it relevant is what the teacher provides using technology to enhance it, not replace it.

Looking to the student side of things, will using technology enhance their learning experience? They still need to be motivated to learn. My reaction is that a number of students will think technology will create more work. Collaborative learning in a face to face or distance basis or some hybrid takes more time than traditional teaching. For example in this class (CTCH 603) do you notice that reading everyone’s blogs and comments seems to be a lot of work, especially given the other course requirements? But, we are graduate students and motivated. To truly get the most out of any of the technological tools (like blogs) will require the students to be motivated to do more.  I am not sure this will be universally accepted by students.

I firmly agree with Jenkins and the teaching of his 11 skills needed by students. At the same time, I’d say that the basics, teachers being creative in developing the teaching tools and students coming in with a motivation to learn, are prerequisites.


Adapting to change: working with digital sound…

February 16th, 2010 · No Comments · Jennifer

This week I chose the article, “Adapting to change: working with digital sound using open source software in a teaching and learning environment.”  While the article focuses on the benefits of open source software in the classroom, especially related to cost savings and access, what I found most compelling was the case Moore and Moore made for open-ended collaboration amongst students in the field of music composition. 

The collaboration takes place between the composer, the performer, and the developer.  The developer works to create a series of “meta-instruments and the sonic manipulations of live performers” (p.118).  The composer creates a musical composition out of these sound components, which is then played by the performer.  This “live” performance is the developer’s creation through the musical lens of the composer.  It is essentially the meeting of technology (developer) with musician (composer).  In this way, the composer gains the greatest benefit as he is given the tools to create or develop a unique series of instruments with which he can create musical compositions.  Then, he receives immediate feedback from the live performance and is able to make improvements and adjustments as needed.  This type of experimental learning creates an atmosphere of play, which is similar to the readings by Jenkins.  The composer is given a limitless number of tools and sounds to build upon and create several different musical products.  For composition students this type of risk-taking and experimental learning environment creates the opportunity for exploration of a multitude of compositional options and techniques.  Additionally, students can store their work for future reference, share with other students, and collaborate with other students for feedback and alternatives to different sound combinations.  

The implications for this type of work in a teaching and learning environment are two-fold.  One, students are engaging in a creative outlet that has limitless possibilities and combinations, which in turn create more possibilities and combinations.  This type of process mimics the very nature of musical composition, in that it continues in a cyclical manner with each idea spilling out from another.  This creates an experience of learning that is critical to this particular learning habits and patterns among musicians.  Two, students are collaborating with other students, which is not always possible for composition students.  True, their work is eventually performed and the exchange of ideas between performers and composer does come to fruition; however, in this way, composers are collaborating in “real time” through the trial and error of their creations.  This is an important element for the creative process.

This article speaks to an important issue in education:  how can we stay true to the learning patterns associated with various disciplines?  In this way, it becomes a matter of creating a learning experience that is congruous with the learning process in any given field or discipline.  This article caters to the “trial and error” component of musical composition, and the imperative collaborative element of giving and receiving feedback. 

 Moore, A., & Moore, D. (2008).  Adapting to change:  working with digital sound using open source software in teaching and learning environment.  Journal of Music, Technology, Education, 1(2), 113-120.  doi: 10.1386/jmte.1.2. and 3.113/1


CRDI for music making

February 16th, 2010 · No Comments · Kim

Perception of Choral Blend Among Choral, Instrumental, and Nonmusic Majors using the Continuous Response Digital Interface

 By Basinger, Lynn, Killian, Janice N.

Journal of Research in Music Education, Dec. 2007; vol. 55: pp. 313-325

 I chose this article to report because of its eye-catching title. While every human being has their own learning strategy, I believe that musicians and nonmusicians may approach music with different aspect, especially when they are “learning” and “performing”.

According to the authors, the concept of choral blend is often adjudicated but seldom researched. Voice matching to achieve choral blend (placing specific voices next to one another to achieve a blended sound within a section) is frequently recommended. The authors asked participants comprised of vocal, instrumental, and nonmusic majors to move a continuous response digital interface dial to indicate judgment of blend quality while listening to voice-matched choral groupings.

 According to the authors, this technology allows monitoring of participants’ responses continuously while they are listening. The continuous response digital interface (CRDI) measures responses along a continuum much like a Likert scale and allows examination of responses across time. The authors continue that response can be examined continuously through the music event. Results of this study seem to indicate that there can be some agreement about the blend of certain groups of singers. Results may be summarized as follows:

 1. There was general agreement regarding what constitutes good and bad blend within voce-matched excerpts. Apparently these participants used CRDI to indicate their understanding of blend without further definition.

 2.  Respondent training appeared to affect rating consistency. The correlations between repeated excerpts were highly positive for vocalists but less consistent for others. Vocalists listened longer before making a judgment. Few group differences in judgment magnitude appeared, but general tendencies toward good blend judgments were evident.

3.  Few apparent differences among the three groups appeared regarding the magnitude of responses. CRDI ratings were of greater magnitude for good blend.

The authors claim that the CRDI has been used successfully to identify a consensus of opinion regarding terms such as aesthetic response left purposefully unidentified by researchers. Based on this precedent, the researchers speculated that the CRDI might be particularly useful in examining a complex construct such as choral blend.Such diverse musical constructs as preference, aesthetic response, tone quality versus intonation, and tempo modulation are but a few of the studies using the CRDI to measure temporal musical events. However, the authors point out that this research can be challenging since choral blend involves differing opinions regarding the definition of blend. This lack of concurrence may result in a possible confounding between perceptions of blend, balance, and choral tone quality and the effect individual preferences may have on such terms.  Yet this is an outstanding tool for vocal ensemble to monitor and correct their vocal quality and sounding even without a “conductor”.


Knowledge Assignment (2/15)

February 15th, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Article from: International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning

Group development theories were analyzed to enhance the development of stronger teacher-learner and learner-learner collaboration in virtual educational communities.

Collaboration is a form of engagement that is an important element of learning. Students interaction and engagement via online dialogue is the collaborative exercise that enhances learning experiences. It is important for educators to know who to encourage collaborative efforts among learners and also with teachers and others who are willing to engage in collaborative learning exercises.

Our aim should be to find ways to enhance group development so as to improve the prospect of collaboration in education. Construction of knowledge among participants in collaborative learning is enhanced. Collaboration encourages the contribution of every participant in an open manner. Collaborative works best when the participants feel safe to have an open dialogue with each other with no predetermined hierarchy among the participants. Collaboration is further enhanced when all the participants pursue the same educational goals and they are interdependent in their efforts and knowledge building.

The article titled Identifying and Facilitating Group-Development Processes in Virtual Communities of Teacher-Learners by Elizabeth Murphy and Thérèse Laferrière present the results of a case study that identified elements that can be used to enhance the development groups that encourages collaboration. The study utilized group development theories represented by Gibb and Gibb (1967) where group interaction evolves through stages of trust creation that harnesses open communication that help the group to realize its goals and establish a interdependent relationship among the members of the group.

Trust clearly provides the foundation for group development as indicated in the article that “trust is the primary ingredient that enhances each of these processes while fear is the primary barrier”. Development of trust among the participants encourages them to clarify their learning goals, freely exchange their ideas without being defensive or protective, and enhance their comfort to be interdependent with other members of the group.

A surprising result of trust is the willingness of participants to “personalize” their learning intentions rather than continue to interact formally and not share their alck of knowledge about the common learning goals.

The case study described indicators that presented changes in the participants’ attitudes towards their interactions with issues of trust, openness, goals and interdependence among them.

Interestingly, the case study presented that the repetition of interaction between the participants did not necessarily increase their level of collaboration.

Development of groups can be enhanced with a facilitator that can monitor the interaction between the members and encourage the establishment of elements of “trust, open communication” that lead to group formation.

Murphy, E., & Laferriere, T. (2005). Identifying and facilitating group-development processes in virtual communities of teacher-learners. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2(4).

-Hanan Alkibsi
