Teaching with Technology

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Teaching with Technology

Triadic Scaffold: Tools for Teaching English Language Learners with Computers

February 28th, 2010 · No Comments · Valerie

Article #2

In addition to language barriers, second language learners must also deal with cultural barriers.  Far too many second language educators take this fact for granted.  There are more than five million students in U.S. schools for whom English is their second language and “their instructional needs are multiple and complex (Meskill 47).  However, second language learners are often treated like mainstream students, instead of at risk learners.  In this study of computer-supported classroom learning “specific forms of instructional conversation employed by a veteran second language teacher are examined” (Meskill 46).  The teacher uses the computer to capture, motivate, and anchor learner attention around the computer.  This article seeks to examine the role that the teacher, student, and computer play in second language education.  The activities that are used on the computer coupled with the use of language are called triadic scaffolds.

According to Carla Meskill, triadic scaffolds consists of teaching strategies, the role of the computer, and what is accomplished by students and their teacher within this teaching learning context.  Coupled with common pedagogical strategies such as modeling, echoing, and recasting the computer contributes to the “thematic focus and conversational opportunities for language and literacy work” (Meskill 50).  Meskill states that the findings in this particular case suggest the target language interactions that occur between the students and their teacher while using computers may be more important, than the actual software-based language learning resources they are using.

This article examines how the lack of sensitivity on the educators part, in regards to cultural differences, places the second language learners education in jeopardy.  Second language learners are faced with many obstacles when they enter “mainstream” educational system.  This thinking can pose a great threat to the language learners success.  So, what needs to be done is for the language educators to practice including the cultural/familial backgrounds of the second language into the instructional plan.  This study attempts to “present particular patterns of instructional discourse that are about bridging the gaps between the computer and literacy activities “in ways that make good pedogogical sense”(Meskill 46).  Unfortunately, the items that could place the second language learner in jeopardy are not “considered nor is the second language learner accommodated because they have yet to be initiated in to this specific genre of communication” (Meskill 55).  This study also facilitated instructional activities that introduced students to learning a second language that would allow them to “navigate and participate” in “mainstream education”(Meskill 55).

The instructional activity orchestrated by the language teacher in this particular study illustrates what potential technology can play in the second language classroom.  I believe that modeling in second language classroom is detrimental to at risk learners regardless of grade level.  This study “found that explicit modeling of self-regulating behaviors around computer tasks contributed to better performance” (Meskill 55).    The scaffolding used in this study was beneficial to the students because it helped them understand the context, to following rules, and help them following instructions and suggestions.  Even though the study conducted was primarily gears toward younger students its finding could benefit any level of second language education; however, it greatly depends on the teacher’s ability to successfully deliver the instructional activities associated with the lesson.  I believe incorporating the use of technology in second language classrooms will enhance learner focus and prompt learners to participate in flowing and unrehearsed conversation, which is the ultimate goal in any level of second language learning.


Digital video presentation and student performance. J-article 2.

February 28th, 2010 · No Comments · John

Citation:  Raven, A., Le, E., and Park, C.  (2010).  Digital video presentation and student performance:  A Task technology fit perspective.  International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 6 (1), 17-29.  doi: 10.4018/jicte.2010091102


Main Points:
–    A paper that reported the results of a confirmatory study about information systems (IS) research of a task technology fit (TTF) model.  It applied the three dimensions of fit:  task match, ease of use, and ease of learning, in the context of digital video tools for oral presentation in a classroom environment.
–    Students completed a digital video (DV) presentation that acted as a substitute for an in-class oral presentation.  An existing survey instrument was adapted, and administered to the students to examine the impact on presentation skill and fit to task.
–    Results confirm the adaptation of the TTF model and show significant relationships between variables.  The model can be used in other task/technology combinations.
–    Findings suggest that when there is a significant fit between digital video tools (technology) and improvement of oral presentation skills (task), student performance also improves.
–    Digital video can be a useful alternative to in-class presentation when the goal is to improve presentation skill.

This article does a very good job in describing the pedagogy of the IS research, which is concerned with more thoroughly understanding the relationship between information systems and user performance, which in the development of the TTF model.  This study looks at an important aspect and practical use of digital technology to enhance learning and prepare undergraduates for the real world requirements of presentation knowledge and experience.   The students in the sample received preparatory instruction, readings, discussions, and video file analysis, assigned to small teams, completed a digital video presentation, and after presentations completed surveys via WebCT Vista.  They clearly explain their use of the partial least squares analysis, which is an extension of the multiple linear regression model, their measurement model, and the research questions they applied.   The authors found that performance in the class does not only depend on how bright the student is, or how hard they work.  If the technology and task are not carefully matched then students won’t learn.  They believe their results show that digital video can be a useful alternative to in-class presentation when the goal is to improve presentation skills.  The authors close the paper discussing the limitations of the study and the need for future research.


More GIS – In History This Time, Journal Article Two

February 24th, 2010 · No Comments · Bob


My article for this week comes from my primary source journal, The Journal of the Association for History and Computing, from August of 2008 (latest edition published). Its full title is “Using GIS to Drive Research in Undergraduate History Classes – A Report on Five Years of Experimentation with the Modern World History Survey Course.”

Professor Jim Brown (not the running back from the Cleveland Browns!) of Samford University received a grant in 2002 from the National Science Foundation to spread knowledge about the academic use of GIS (geographic information systems). Brown was the only Historian in the group and proceeded to spend a significant amount of time learning the system and applying it to his World History undergraduate survey course.

As has been noted most recently by Chris in his article blog, the use of GIS in higher education is hot.  Brown used it to integrate geography with History in his survey course.  He points out that the two main aspects of GIS that he was impressed with were its “visuality of manipulating layers of data” related to mapping and its ability to create categories of data within each layer. Specifically Brown used it as a tool that the students would use to complete the main class project in World History that dealt with the basis for modern European power, as well as the way world history played out on 6 key transportation corridors.  The major value of GIS  related to this focus on the transportation corridors since the GIS information is outstanding in providing this kind of data as well as the ability to manipulate it.

Brown used the ArcGIS system, but later switched to Google Earth when he had some problems with ArcGIS support. In his class he spent time teaching his students how to use the program, as well as teaching the course material. The students were to use the ArcGIS system to do their class project to present to the class.  He was excited about the conclusion and felt it was a success in helping his students to able to integrate Geography and History. 

Note that Brown used the system mainly as the platform for his students to present their class projects, not as an everyday tool in teaching his class. The inclass time he spent was to explain to the students how to use the system as well as actually teaching the subject matter of the course.

The distinct impression that I got was that it took a heck of a long time for Brown to figure out how to use the system for his class and then additional time for him to teach his students to use it during World History class time (including two student lab manuals). I suspect he would not have had the time to learn it so well without the grant. In the article he refers on several occasions to the time needed for him to get up to speed – for example in referring to his switch from ArcGIS to Google he states: : “despite my commitment of hundreds of hours to teaching myself ArcGIS, I was still dependent on the GIS expert in our Geography Department …” After he switched to Google Earth because of his frustration he states: “That summer I taugh myself Google Earth …” As a result, I believe that Google Earth took a while to figure out as well.

There is no doubt that the integration of GIS information can be a great presentation tool and can be adapted for classroom lectures and discussion. However, I find that the time commitment that the author had to spend to get up to speed was significant.

It raised in my mind a continuing concern I have with the use of some technology – frankly it takes a lot of time investment to figure out how to use it and then train your students how to use it.  For someone like me, who is not a digital native, my use of classroom technology must be relatively easy and straightforward.  I would never be able to take the time to learn the system as well as Brown to be able to implement it in my classes. This is partly because it would be hard for me to figure it out, and partly because I would have to know it well enough to explain it to students and answer their technical questions about it.

I believe that the burden of learning some technologies for use in the classroom can sometimes diminish the ability of the teacher to do what he or she is best qualified to do – teach the subject area of his or her expertise. Teachers have to know the available Technology tools and be creative in using them, but they aren’t experts in Technology. Technology that complicates that unnecessarily is only going to be used by a few.  I tentatively put the author’s use of GIS in that category.  I look forward to Chris’ teaching presentation, based on his blog about the use of GIS, to see more details of how it can work.


Teddy’s Meridian Journal Article Log 02.24.2010

February 24th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Ted


Teddy’s Meridian Journal Article Log 02.24.2010

 For class session 02.24.2010

 Our economic woes are taking toll on families all over America. Students are feeling the pressure from the lack of money for lunch and other necessities. According to Caniglia & Leapard (2009), Dr. Robert Duvall states the need for financial education is an urgent one. It is our responsibility to teach financial literacy at an early age so that students can make career plans and budget their finances. In the article Get Real: Teaching Financial Literacy Through Internet Sites, students learn financial planning skills, goal setting, decision making and career planning using the online activities of the Reality Store. This program reinforces positive and negative numbers and their operations. The program examines their attitudes about their future careers, earnings and lifestyles. Students are taught to make informed decisions about the costs and timing of major life events like marriage and having children. Most of all, they realize the importance of education in accomplishing career goals.

 Using the Virtual Reality Store Tour, students experience an online adventure requiring them to choose a career and research a profession. Next, learners must select a standard of living and then calculate a monthly income needed to pay for the cost of living and services. Afterwards, students are encouraged to reflect on how decisions made in the “now” will affect their ability to enter future jobs and professions. Organizations like the National Endowment for Financial Education and Jumpstart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy are in full support of such open educational environments like the Virtual Reality Store Tour. They hope to gain the support of learners from all “walks of life” and re-tool them in formal and informal settings for the workforce.

 The Reality Store uses two techniques to convey information. They are simulation and debriefing/reflection. A simulation provides for control of the learning environment and adaptations to meet the student’s needs. Part of the value of simulations is that they attempt to make complex concepts understandable. Simulations are considered to be most effective when students are asked to choose among alternatives. Debriefing or reflection allows participants the opportunity to evaluate the simulation itself as well as the knowledge gained in the process.

 Success using the Reality Store is based on the interconnected activities of preparation, visiting the Reality Store’s fifteen stations and follow-up reflections. These stations include taxes, housing, banking, insurance, transportation, auto, medical, legal services, child care, utilities, eating out, clothes, charitable contributions, groceries, life surprises, travel and entertainment. Students will experience a great deal of deep learning. I feel this is an awesome opportunity for young scholars to use their critical and creative intellect to design their future!


CwBraun(Journal1) Roles for Global Information Systems (GIS) in Higher Education

February 24th, 2010 · No Comments · Chris

As a follow-up to previous entries on GIS in Higher Education and the class that John and I will provide for our Peer Teaching assignment, this journal article provides a background on the role of GIS in Higher Education and it’s use by non-geography specific disciplines. Yes… you too can use GIS in your lesson plans and provide your students an alternative view of their world. The discipline of Geography and Spatial awareness is experiencing a new ground swell of popularity in the United States. Every day we are presented with a long list of geographic data that tests our mental image and understanding not only location but time/space relationships, value and influence in our lives. Having to obtain a greater understanding of hurricanes, earthquakes, conflict analysis, the connected world of economics or global warming patterns, forces us to understand just a little bit more of how geography plays a part in our world. Geographic Information System (GIS) takes a look at interdisciplinary data that is geographic in nature and allows analysis in answering questions such as, where has it occurred?, when has it occurred?, and what is the information about? We’ve all gone to Mapquest or Google Maps and looked up locations, queried for directions or have taken a look at an aerial photo of where we live. Using GIS in the classroom takes this one step further. Today, economists, political scientists, historians, biologists, anthropologists, medical research personnel and other disciplines are becoming increasingly aware of the utility of spatial data tools to organize, manage and display their information. At its most basic level, GIS supports all of these areas by allowing students to take digital images of mapped objects and to quickly and easily visualize spatial patterns of large, complex, multi-layered data sets. Many universities such as Harvard, Dartmouth and other Ivy League schools and research colleges have introduced a GIS lab and course of study within their programs. Having to take a number of “General Education Classes” for graduation, Harvard offers a Medicine and Society in America class that uses GIS to show graphically show how medical expenses or care differs across the country. Downloading additional information allows students to further evaluate population distribution to determine hospital location or service areas; or regions of the country with higher cancer rates or asbestos poisoning. GIS provides instructors an avenue to incorporate an activity based method of learning into their lesson planning. Students often visualize patterns but are not taught why they occur or what drives the pattern to begin with. When we combine GIS with general education courses, community service projects or undergraduate and graduate research, we take the level of “learning” one step deeper. Using spatial analysis and geographic perspectives expands their view and there is a strong likelihood that students will now understand the relationship their core subject has to the relevance of education.

Sinton, Diana Stuart (2009). “Roles for GIS within Higher Education”, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 33: 1, S7-S16.


Interaction enhance the learning experience- response for Jonathan’s comment

February 24th, 2010 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Interaction enhance the learning experience;
In the articles I have referenced, there were no specific techniques to foster student participation. Nonetheless, one important element in the article that stood out more than the others that affected student participation was the importance of the teacher feedback. The article presented that “instructors need to provide students with timely feedback to keep them engaged in the learning”. This is especially important in the distant learning environment.
The instructor’s timely feedback enhances the “presence” of the teacher in the mind of the students which encourages their participation.

Clearly the needed interaction between instructor and learner is very taxing and time consuming and instructors should have assistance in their interaction with their students.


Voice Blogs

February 23rd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Susan

It’s the great debate in the language teaching world fluency versus accuracy or as it’s more commonly known: form. Fluency is typified by learners expressing language oral and/or written in a steady stream that is unencumbered by detours to correctly apply grammar rules. Form focus in language learning is the attention to the linguistic rules of the road – grammar, stress, intonation, etc. Exclusive focus on either impedes student development.  Finding the right balance is the key. The current pedagogy leans toward cultivating fluency with a peripheral focus on form.  Sun’s (June 2009) article “Voice blog: An exploratory study of language learning” brings the issue, of striking a healthy balance between fluency and form front, and center with its discussion of voice blog technology.  


A voice blog is a very interesting concept and Sun studied its use in a language learning program teaching English to Taiwanese students. This article on vocal blogging intrigued me because blogging is a new technology for me and I was interested in how the vocal application would be applied in a language class. The rationale for incorporating a voice blog, where students post oral commentary on a class blog site, is similar to that of a written blog.  Sun sites several studies that point to the educational benefits of blogging such as: “bloggers tend to have a greater sense of freedom to express their ideas and to make arguments than classroom-base participants”; “exposure to people of different backgrounds and circumstances” and “students take ownership of virtual space and the work they publish” p. 89.


While uncovering various blogging stages (conceptualizing, brainstorming, articulation, monitoring and evaluating) and their corresponding strategies, Sun discovered that many students focused heavily on the form aspects of their voice blogs.  Many did not speak extemporaneously, but prepared and rehearsed edited scripts.  It is not a bad thing to edit and rehearse what you are going to say.  In fact, in most scholastic situations practice and perfecting is encouraged. However, if fluency is a goal, than this type of reflection runs counter to communicating extemporaneously as a means of developing proficiency. 


Sun reports concerns from experts regarding a proclivity for blogs to shift the focus toward form. Also included are reports of how blogging technology promotes fluency. I agree with voice blogging proponents and think this technology can afford students the ability to participate at a higher degree than is possible in many classes.  Additionally, voice blogging promotes student creativity and ownership for their work. But, best of all students overall liked blogging and believe it improved their “oral communication skills” p. 97.


I am a member of the camp that advocates for the balance between fluency and form to lean more toward fluency. I think that voice blog technology is a valuable tool for promoting fluency as well as form. Rubrics and grading associated more with project completion and creativity and less on grammar will help outcomes move toward greater fluency. It would be interesting to read a study on this issue. Either way, voice blogging was overall viewed in positive terms by the students and it provides for additional opportunities to practice speaking English outside the classroom. Voice blogging technology may have some inherent leanings toward form however, I believe, the technology affords each instructor the opportunity to help students achieve gains in both fluency and form and that the focus can shift by altering the assignment’s structure.


Sun, Y. (June 2009). Voice blog: An exploratory study of language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 13 (2), 88-103. Retrieved from http://llt.msu.edu/vol13num2/sun.pdf


#3. Communication Topics and Strategies in E-mail Consultation: Comparison between American and International University Students, by Sigrun Giesenbach-Lucas http://llt.msu.edu/vol9num2/biesenbachlucas/

February 23rd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Uncategorized

In my last journal, I mentioned that writing e-mails to professors in an appropriate manner can be a daunting task for non-native-speaker students.  However, the article (above) that I read for this week’s assignment suggests that even native speaking students are not always confident of their e-mail communications with their professors.  In “Communication Topics and Strategies in E-mail Consultation: Comparison between American and International University Students,” author Sigrun Giesenbach-Lucas points out that composing e-mail messages to professors can be challenging work for both native and non-native speaking students.  One reason is that students are often unsure about what constitutes “status-congruent language” in e-mail communication with professors.  Students and professors are unequal in their institutional positions; professors as faculty members have higher status than students and the professors are experts in their fields.  In addition, they have authority over students and grade the academic work of the students.  This unequal status makes it difficult for students to write e-mails that initiate a dialogue and express confidence and independence, while also showing sufficient respect and deference to professors.  The difference in status between students and professors also leaves students with some  uncertainty regarding the topics that are acceptable to address with faculty via e-mail.  Communicating with professors via e-mail can also be challenging because of the absence of paralinguistic features such as gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice.  In addition, although e-mail has become a primary communication tool in the academic world, it is still a new arena in which style and other linguistic characteristic are not yet well defined.

The goal of the study described in this article was to identify the various purposes of the e-mail messages of American and international students that were sent to an American professor over the course of one semester.  The participants in the study were students in a TESOL teacher training program at an American university.  The study examined a total of 125 e-mail messages, which included 71 e-mails sent by American students and 54 e-mails sent by non-native speaking students from several Asian countries (Korean, Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand).  The non-native speaking students had all achieved the required minimum TOFEL score of 550 and their English proficiency levels were low-advanced or above.  The two main areas investigated in the study were the communication topics and communication strategies used by the students.

The study found that there were quantitative and qualitative differences in the student-to-faculty e-mails sent by the American and international students. One striking difference in e-mail practice between the two groups, which concerns me greatly, was the fact that, in comparison with the native speaking students, the non-native speaking students lacked the ability to use e-mail in ways that might have contributed to their academic success.  For example, non-native speaking students used e-mail largely as a means of submitting the final drafts of essays and reports, while native speaking students used e-mail to submit earlier drafts with requests for feedback.  It was also found that native speaking students used e-mail more frequently and more efficiently in negotiations with professors on project topics.

When I first chose this journal, my initial interest was in how I might take advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enhance my teaching and learning of ESL.  It is still an interesting topic to me because now I have become more aware of the pedagogical potential of ICTs.  However, the two articles that I have studied thus far tell me that it is also important to consider how to teach language so that students can make effective use of ICTs.




February 22nd, 2010 · 3 Comments · Jennifer


Delivering student feedback in higher education: the role of podcasting.

In the field of music education, feedback is immediate and ongoing.  In a one-to-one lesson setting, for example, a student will play a musical selection for the teacher, and the teacher will respond with immediate feedback.  The student will replay the passage incorporating the teacher’s feedback, and the teacher will comment again.  This cycle continues throughout the lesson.  A good example of this interaction is available on this YouTube video.  The student and teacher engage in a sort of “assessment dialogue” in which the teacher responds in “real time” to the student’s performance, and the student has the opportunity to make adjustments on the spot.  This cyclical interaction not only strengthens the relationship between student and teacher, but it develops the student’s ability to develop a process of learning that can be applied in a practice or performance setting, such as what to think about during certain passages or how to identify problem spots and the appropriate technique for addressing them.  In this way, the learning process is organic and continuously evolving.  Students always know what is expected, where they stand, and what they need to improve upon.  The expectations are driven by the actions and assessment is a natural part of the process. 

This type of feedback is ideal, but unlikely, as teachers and students do not always have the opportunity for this type of ongoing interaction, however, this article offers a suggestion for creating a personalized assessment that is comparable to that described above.  It is no surprise that studies show greater motivation for learning among students who receive good-quality feedback.  Students respond with a more concerted effort for improvement and tend toward habits of reflective and self-regulated learning.  If viewed as part of an ongoing process, students learn to adapt their own assessment methods (as in the example of one-to-one private music lessons) that will enhance their learning experience and foster self-confidence.  The key to good-quality feedback is dialogue.  The idea of a single, written grade on a returned paper leaves a cold, detached feeling in the student.  Often times, the grade stands alone with no explanation or rationale.  This alienates the student from the teacher, and in some ways from the learning process.  Through an ongoing dialogue students and teachers can clarify expectations, revise assignments, and create opportunities for learning beyond assignments.  In this way, students and teachers “co-produce” (p. 156) learning.  This is an important component not only with regard to feedback, but to the larger spectrum of media literacy, in which the learning community is guided by the strengths and talents of the group as a whole, and not just the teacher. 

This article was based on a qualitative study that investigated the effectiveness of a podcast feedback experiment in which students downloaded mp3 files containing feedback from their tutor in relation to an assignment.  75% of the students indicated that the audio feedback had a positive effect on their motivation and encouraged self-reflection.  Additionally, students felt the “…level of detail and the personal and unique nature of the audio feedback made the context of the comments very clear” (p. 158).   As this was as music assignment asking music students to create their own composition according to a set of rules, students found the specifics of the feedback, including demonstrations from the tutor to be very helpful and something to which they referred back to at a later point in time.  Overall, students agreed this was a more effective method of feedback deliver than receiving written grades.  This study reinforces the need among students to interact with their teachers about their work, discuss opportunities for improvement, and articulate the specifics of assessment objectives.    

Cooper, S. (2008).  Delivering student feedback in higher education:  the role of podcasting.  Journal of Music, Technology and Education1(2), 153-165.  doi:  10.1386/jmte.1.2 and 3.153/1


Interaction enhances the learning experience

February 22nd, 2010 · 3 Comments · Uncategorized

Interaction is defined in computer mediated instruction is “reciprocal exchange between technology and the learner” (Gilbert and Moore, 1998).

Interaction enhances the learning experience. Distant Learning courses are more effective when they encourage all types of interactions and students’ involvement

As outlined in the article, Interactions are enhanced when the teaching environment encourages the following:

  1. Facilitate the social interaction between the students to encourage them to interact openly with each other. This increase collaboration.
  2. Encourage students to discuss course materials and share their reflections. Students can be asked to work on assignments in groups and to share the results of their work with each other.
  3. Encourage students to use communication technologies that support group educational activities among them and with the instructor. Computer proficiency is necessary.

All of these efforts and guidance by the instructor will be reflected in the learner’s attitude and willingness to use the technology to interact with other learners.

An element that enhances interaction is the degree of familiarity of the user with technology and the internet. Better knowledge of the internet reduces the students’ feeling of isolation and encourages the student to engage in group emails and group chat discussions that encourages interactions and collaborative learning. These interactions allow the students to share their thoughts and reflections about the materials they are studying. 

Teachers should encourage periodic chat groups to increase the sense of closeness and camaraderie between learners that supports collaborative learning and enhances the development of learning communities.

There are four types of interactions:

  1. Learner-Learner

Is the activity that where sharing of thoughts and brainstorming between learners so as to develop a better understanding of the course material


The continuous availability of course content in the web allowed deeper students’ interface with the course content that allowed them to learn it at their own pace. Participation in on line discussions is considered as another form learner-content interaction.

3. Learner-Instructor

This is enhanced by timely feed back form the instructor to the students on their progress in the course and the timely guidance on discussions issues. This establishes the instructor presence in the minds of the learners and keeps the learners engaged with the class materials and with each other

4. Liner-Interface

Ease of usage of computer and communication devices as the interface to the other learners, instructors as well as the course content.

Effectiveness of distant learning is improved when the participation of students in online courses are increased.  However, student participation is achieved when instructors provide their student the comfort and confidence to participate in online courses and yet not to overload them with information that will make them overwhelmed and then disengage (Virk, 2004).


Gilbert, L., & Moore, D. R. (1998). Building interactivity into web courses: Tools for        social and instructional interaction. Educational Technology, 38(3), 29-35     http://www.westga.edu/~distance/roblyer32.html

Thurmond, V., & Wambach, K. (2004). Understanding interactions in distance education:             International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning , 1( 1), Retrieved from http://www.itdl.org/journal/Jan_04/article02.htm doi: 1550-6908

Roblyer, M., & Ekhaml, L. (2000). How interactive are your distance courses? A rubric     for assessing interaction in distance learning . Journal of distance learning          administration, 3(2), Retrieved from             http://www.westga.edu/~distance/roblyer32.html

Virk, B. (2004). A balancing act: improving student online discussion participation.           International journal of instructional technology and distance learning , 1( 6),           Retrieved from http://itdl.org/Journal/Jun_04/article08.htm  doi: 1550-6908
