In another class this evening a fellow student used a presentation format I had never seen before. He was very skilled in its use. It can be found at this link
Prezi touts itself as a new paradigm for communicating ideas and relationships between ideas, in contrast to static slides (even cool static slides). I wonder if anyone in our class has seen or used it before.
Hi gil,
I’ve played around with prezi, and I like the software in theory, although I think it a bit hard to handle at the learning stage. It takes some persistence to learn well.
It has some advantages, in that you can link all the elements and movements in your presentation with a path, and then “play” the presentation like a video.
As Miles Kimball noted on TechRhet, it would make a fantastic tool for concept mapping, as you can work on such a large canvas, and the “zoom in” feature can expand the amount of content you can keep on adding…
Thinking about that made me think that it might make a great tool/platform for the creation of electronic portfolios, especially those one wants to share with others
One of the problems I’ve encountered with presentations in prezi is the excessive zooming, usually initiated by those who love the concept of the zoom but forget what lots of zooming can do to others. It can start to feel like an excess of hand-held camera tipping one into motion-sickness!
But well worth exploring, as just one additional tool for the right project and the right audience. Since Miles mentioned concept maps, which I use a lot, I’m ready to give it another go once the semester ends…