All, I have been having a hard time with my journal selection until John and I got together for our “Peer Project”. I located a professional journal for Geographers called the Journal of Geography in Higher Education. There are a number of entries that are in line with my course of study and what I hope to accomplish within the requirements of the peer teaching assignment for this class and beyond. The Journal of Geography in Higher Education was founded upon the conviction that the development of learning and teaching no matter what the subject, was vitally important to Higher Education. It is committed to promote, enhance and share geography learning and teaching in all institutions throughout the world, and provide a forum for geographers and others, regardless of their specialties, to discuss common educational interests, to present the results of educational research, and to advocate new ideas. Geography as a course of study is experiencing a resurgence in the University education system. Leaning about everything from earthquakes, hurricanes, and environmental issues to understanding regional conflict, or trying to figure out just where “Vancouver” lies, is becoming more popular in everyones everyday life. Almost everyone from the Hard-Science to the Social-Science disciplines are seeing a value to both understanding Geography and working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in being able to manage and display spatial data accurately and clearly. Many instructors are incorporating GIS into their lectures and assignments to give their students another perspective on research and presentation. My goal is to present a series of articles on GIS/Geography use in the classroom that will lead into the Peer Teaching assignment that John and I have in store for you…
The Journal of Geography in Higher Education is available through the GMU Library E-journal system.
Just a quick note, Chris, to say I’m delighted you have found a journal which you feel will prove illuminating for the rest of the semester and integrate well with the preparation for your teaching session for the rest of the seminar. I’m looking forward to reading more, and I see that the first article report is already waiting for me!