Focusing on the use of technology in History, I would like to explore use of one or more of the following.
1) use of film/music to highlight foundational knowledge.
2) use of Wikipedia to explore the basis of certain factual knowledge and how interpretations can vary.
3) use of game simulations – not really sure how this would work, but using games and simulations to teach would strike a responsive cord in my students.
4) case study projects – I often give students a fact pattern and ask them to analyze what they would do in that situation – for example, the student is to imagine he or she is living in England in 1650 and needs to decide if it makes sense to come to the New World – what are the considerations? I’d like to figure out how to enhance this with technology.
5) incorporating the use of original historical documents now available on the internet.
6) any of the three ideas raised by my classmates, Kim and Jenny, tailored to History! Thanks again to Kim and Jenny.
I like the idea of exploring the basis for information. Having the students compare information in Wikipedia with that in professionally edited publications might be interesting and would force the students to learn to use those “old fashioned” research tools.
The idea of game- or role-playing to better understand historical periods also sounds fruitful.