When we are in the midst of teaching and grading and responding to administrative demands (not to mention taking classes if we are studying for additional degrees) it can prove very hard to attend to our own learning. Yet intellectual and professional replenishment nurture not only our intellectual capacities to teach but also bolster our emotional and psychological preparation for interactions in the classroom.
As the information and communication technologies that we might integrate into learning and teaching proliferate and mutate so rapidly, that replenishment also helps us to imagine the shape, nature and potential results of that integration. But it requires dedication, discipline and, above all, time to follow these developments alone, even just within our own fields or disciplines, much less developments in other fields relevant to our own interests.
Thus this assignment initiates a collaborative reading and analysis of the available academic literatures on teaching and learning with information and communication technologies. Through this collaboration, I hope that we can build an archive of ideas, innovations and references to support our own creativity as teachers and as learners (both for our pleasure, and for the edification of our students – and maybe even our colleagues, too). Such a collaboration is ideally suited to HEP, as our diverse life experiences, disciplines, professional histories and current careers guarantee a provocative mix of perspectives and potent knowledge. The completed assignment constitutes 20% of your final grade.
Part I
For this assignment, you need to choose and explore one academic journal relevant to the themes of our seminar. You might choose:
- A journal in your field or discipline which focuses solely on technology-enriched teaching and learning
- A journal in your field or discipline which focuses on teaching and learning, and includes articles which address the potential of/issues raised by the integration of new technologies into undergraduate/graduate education
- A journal with no specific field or disciplinary affiliation which focuses solely on the integration of new technologies into higher education (relating to teaching and learning f2f or at a distance, for example, or to a particular sector within higher education, such as the community college, or general education)
If you need any help, want to talk about potential journals, have specific interests which you want to follow, etc., please do let me know as soon as possible, We can meet f2f, by telephone, online or via whatever medium or platform works best for you (although I do tend to get distracted in Second Life, I regret to say).
Due by February 8: Post an analysis of why you have chosen your journal for explorations (500 words – images, audio, video, etc. welcome if relevant, necessary, or engaging).
Part II
Each week, you (and I) will post to our blog an analysis/summary/discussion of one article from our chosen journals. Remember to tailor the analysis to the needs of our specific audience, individuals interested in (or required to be interested in) teaching with technology. If you are reading your journal online, you should also post a link to the article you are discussing. Just remember that not all databases provide stable links to the journals you access.
Your posts are not formal essays but informal communications. You should:
- Explain why you chose to report on the specific article
- Include a brief summary/analysis of its contents
- Highlight any arguments or parts of arguments or examples critical for you
- Relate the article’s content to wider issues of teaching and learning with information and communication technologies (which should prove easier and easier as the semester progresses)
- A bibliographical citation for the article (even if you do include a link)
Due weekly (by midnight on the Monday prior to our seminar): an article analysis posted to this blog
Note: No article posting due the week prior to spring break, the week of spring break, or the final teaching week of the semester.
Testing blog site posting capabiilities…..
Teddy F.
I have a Masters Degree from the School of Public Policy that focuses on International Commerce. International Commerce has been propelled by the winds of globalization. During the last two decades, globalization has proven to be a formidable force in shaping world trade and commerce. Nations’ desire to open new markets and increase commerce among them and other nations has created new necessities in education to help provide educational foundation that supports this new global interaction. It is my view that globalization of international commerce will be enhanced when educational institutions provide and require its students to have a global education.
Global education supports and nurtures the views of collaboration among educators, stakeholders as well as encourages cultural and ethnic sensitivity, coordination and critical thinking. It instills in us the respect and appreciation of other cultures and the importance to accept and respect the diverse pictures and cultures we continuously interact with. Furthermore, global education expands our views and encourages us to see the world as interconnected where actions we take or do not take will have effects on others who share this planet with us.
Global Education success is best measured when it includes elements that help individuals have a better understanding of the world we live in as it continues to redefine itself and adjusts our understanding of ourselves, our cultures and our interconnectivities. This continuous change requires individuals to update their knowledge and keep involved with an environment that encourages life long learning.
My interest in distant learning is its ability to represent a fundamental component of a successful international global education. A coherent distant education programs that cultivates collaboration, supports learning communities, keeps up with the changes in the economic, social and technological characteristics of the world we live in today will support the development of an international global educational program that produces global citizens. It is important that users of distant learning schemes view it as effective method to support elements of significant learning that propagate life long learning.
Distant learning schemes are best utilized when the courses they cover are designed a learner centered rather than topic centered. This design approach addresses the needs of the learner and enhances the educational outcomes.
I have chosen the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning because I believe it will provide me with articles that will help me present distant learning as an effective method to support the needs of global education. Understanding who to insure the effectiveness of distant learning is very important to encourage continued support of such an important tool to propagate global education.
The Journal has been in publication since January 2004. It covers innovation and in teaching to coordinate “collaboration among researcher, innovators, designers,…” while addressing issues that supports and enhances the utilization of distant learning methods. This Journal is refereed by its editorial board who insure that what gets published has been vetted and scrutinized by other scholars to ensure that what is published is will meet the minimum standards to achieve the goals of the journal. This is best reflected with the large following of readers that have downloaded from this Journal.
My review of articles in this journal will help me argue how to make distant learning more effective in supporting global education.
Hanan Alkibsi
Spoke too soon. I have access to the abstracts only of the International Journal of Learning Technology. Alas! I must change mine to the Journal of Literacy and Technology. You may access this journal by going to
More on this later…
I’d like to claim the International Journal of Learning Technology. This publication purports to provide “an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of the role of learning technologies in education and instruction.”
I will be using the following journal: Journal of research in music education. Journal of Research in Music Education is NOT primarily technology-oriented, but does include some studies in which technology is used in the methodology or as the subject of a teaching/learning study
Yes I want a photo too- my face book one since it is 3 years old now and still considered “Valid” in my cyper world.
Hello to everyone….. Since Gil pulled a fast one on me and already grabbed JOLT (I even liked the acronym), I will be using the Journal “Distance Learning” for Educators, Trainers and Leaders. Acronym DLETL, not cool at all.
Ok, how do you get your picture posted on the comment board?
Looks like I made up the other Journal- can’t locate it again! Having reviewed dozens of potential Journals, and not finding any as captivating as the one’s I read last year, for now I am going with Computers & Education. out of time now so will blog later.
I’d like to lay claim to the Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT, located at and will be writing my reasons for choosing this journal in a subsequent post.
I made my input on 28 Jan on the welcome page and I am restating it on the knowledge building assignment page: International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE).
I will blog tomorrow on this but I think I have chosen the “International Journal of Technology in Teaching & Learning” as my academic literature. In a Previous Class I did look at Marketing Journals for Teaching and many of the articles were specific to technology in the classroom. I prefer to be less specific this term.
I’d like to lay claim to the Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) and will be writing my reasons for choosing this journal in a subsequent post.
sounds good….
Thanks… I am becoming a convert…