Tiemo, P. A., Emiri, O. T., and Tiemo, A. J. (2010). Information and communication technology (ICT) training among lecturers in the South-South zone in Nigeria by the Nigeria communication commission (NCC). International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 6 (1), 55-66. doi: 10.4018/jicte.2010091105
Main Points
– In order to bridge the digital gap and to facilitate the use of ICT in teaching and learning among lecturers and students in Nigeria universities, the NCC organized their first zonal workshop on advanced digital appreciation to train lecturers in the use of ICT skills and knowledge in order to facilitate research and teaching in their respective institutions.
– The study sought to find out the success achieved among participants, level of ICT skills before and after the program, and their perceptions toward the program.
– The study was conducted as a descriptive survey. The population of the study consisted of 70 lecturers from 10 selected institutions.
– They discovered that the lecturers overwhelming thought that this idea was of value. They especially welcomed it since most of the lecturers found it difficult to integrate ICT in their academic work.
– The majority of respondents, 69%, had no knowledge of ICT before the program and another 23% had only a fair knowledge of ICT.
– The program exposed the lecturers to the standard Microsoft suite of products; word, powerpoint, and excel as well as use of the internet. All of the participants found the training valuable and recommended that it be expanded to all Nigerian universities.
– The study confirmed earlier assertions made to the level of knowledge and training of lecturers in Nigerian universities. The small sampling reinforced this earlier premise and should be valuable to support expanded training to all of the universities. This would bring as many as 12,000 lecturers up to a minimum acceptable ICT level.
ICT Training of Lecturers in Nigeria. J-Article 5. | Teaching with … | Today Headlines // Mar 23, 2010 at 1:34 pm
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